Japan Home Center Finds

I was in the Panay Avenue neighborhood last week, and these days I seldom find myself outside at all, so I couldn’t resist taking advantage of the opportunity to check out the big Japan Home Center branch located there.

I’ve always found it amusing to check out Daiso/Saizen and Japan Home stores because they always have such nifty little things. Some make me go “Wow, that’ll really come in handy,” while others make me go “Wow, they invented a device for that? Really?” Either way, a Japan Home Center visit makes for an amusing and potentially productive half hour or so.

The Panay Avenue branch was big and had two levels, so I think I spent more than an hour checking things out.  I was particularly tempted by the collection of big glass storage jars that they had, but eventually what ended up in my basket are these:

paints; paint containers; tongs and spray bottles for fine motor practice;  sensory play materials, chalk, big masking tape

paints; paint containers; tongs and spray bottles for fine motor practice; sensory play materials, chalk, big masking tape

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